Class of 1965
online Yearbook

Grade School


1st 2nd 3rd
4th 5th 6th

Jr. High

 High School


In Memoriam


Roger Ellis

Location: Logan, Utah

Email: rogerdellis@gmail

Number of Children: Five

Number of Grandchildren: Five plus One under construction

Favorite Website: Google and Yahoo News

Moved Out Of State: I went to graduate school, after Weber State College, at the University of Texas at El Paso. While there I met Rosario, my wonderful wife and best friend of 30+ years. From there I worked in the mining business as a geologist, mining engineer and mine superintendent in Arizona, Nevada and Wyoming. I returned to Utah with my family, to settle in Logan where Rosario and I have been able to raise our children.

Personal Info: Wow, there is so much to talk about. Best wait to do that in person. I am looking forward to visiting with you all. Rosario and I have spent most all the past years raisin' kids. No a overwhelming joy but beats most anything else I can think of. We've made the lifetime pilgrimage to Disneyland in California, seen most of the west, toured the historical places back east, Whitehouse and all.

I had the opportunity to travel to Columbia, SA on a business trip. That's the only foreign country I have been in, short of Mexico (while in El Paso) and the Eastern states noted above.

We started up a penny stock mining and oil and gas company, had a real fling with that. Sold some stock and Rosario and I went to Hawaii. That was a fine trip (while grandma watched the kids during the winter's worst Wyoming blizzard and 50 below zero temps). Great timing.

It has been fun watching our children grow up, move through Logan High School and on into the world. The last one just finished and is playing football for Snow College this fall. We will be making a few trips to south Central Utah country to watch of course.

Lookin' forward to the reunion. See ya soon.

  Then Now
Dale Dransfield, Jim Edwards, Glade Wimmer, Craig Parker, Vance Anderson, Rick Hatch My wife, Rosario
I can't remember Wind Beneath My Wings
Dr. Zhivago Saving Private Ryan
Prime Rib Salmon
Ole' Hot Springs Resort Home
Slow ones Even Slower ones
Snake dancing down the halls singing about beating Ogden High Those yet to be made