Hennessy Salisbury
Ogden, Utah
Personal Info:
I was a newlywed (3 months) at our last
reunion & Curt & I for the past ten years, for the most part, (kids) have
had a great time sharing so many cool experiences.
Curt, being a building contractor has totally remodeled our home which in
the beginning was the one he moved into, so now it's like it has always been
his. I love it, we're just south of the Ogden airport with a panoramic view,
and we just may live out our lives there.
We love to travel and have traveled to some pretty interesting places like
the Ukraine and Russia. But, so exciting is that we have discovered the
incredible beauty and fun this great state of Utah has to offer. We travel
around in a 5th wheel and use it anytime an opportunity offers itself or
just whenever a thought provokes. We don't need much of an excuse to get
In the past 10 years we have had 5 of our 8 (we each had 4) children marry
and one divorce. Between us we have 11 grandchildren. He has 9, 7 boys and 2
girls and my oldest, a daughter has 2 little girls. I also have 3 sons, 2
married of which both of their wives are due, 1 in December and the other in
January. We are so excited because grandkids are the rewards for raising
kids. My unmarried son is loving life at BYU.
Curt, besides construction, has 27 years in driving a school bus, for the
benefits, and when he retires possibly in three years, we will be on the
road to who knows where, hopefully serving missions for our church.
