Clinton, Utah
of Children: Two
Number of Grandchildren:
Personal Info:
After high school I joined the Army
Reserves, attended Weber State and started working at Browning Arms. I was
married to Nadine Code (BLHS'67) and had two great children a few years
later. We were married for 21 years before calling it quits. I've been
single ever since. After twenty years of working primarily at Browning Arms
(quit twice, once to work at DDO, another to work for Anderson Lumber.) I
started working for the State of Utah and have been waiting for an early
retirement (without any success) for the past twenty-two years.
Because of my laziness of not wanting to shave everyday, my straggly beard
and "prematurely white hair" caused a few co-workers to start calling me
Santa Claus. One even offered a red suit if I let his grand-kids whisper
their Christmas wishes into my ear. That was five years ago. Now, it's not
just his grandkids I have sitting on my lap. Kids and Christmas are meant
for each other. I'm glad that I never grew up. It's so much fun being a kid,
if only for a month once a year.
Whenever I'm asked. "How's life treating you?" I reply, "It's not treating
me, I'm having to pay my own way." Yet, in reflecting over the past forty
years, perhaps life has been treating me - treating me to many wonderful
experiences and people, and I'm sure this forty-year reunion will be another
of life's treats. I'm looking forward to seeing and sharing with our
classmates their "life's treats" and maybe even swapping a tall-tale or two.
"We're the greatest Scots alive, We're the Class of '65!" says it all.