Class of 1965
online Yearbook

Grade School


1st 2nd 3rd
4th 5th 6th

Jr. High

 High School


In Memoriam



Profile Information Form
Catch us up on your life. We miss you.

If you have never filled one out, please start here and fill out the entire form.
If you already have a profile CLICK HERE to update current profile.

Tell us about yourself

Your Name

Your Maiden Name if applicable

City State

Your email address

How Many Children?

How Many Grand Children?

Favorite Website 

Did you ever move out of state?   yes no

If so, why? 

Tell us about more Then Now

Best Friends
Fave TV Show
Fave Song
Fave Movie
Fave Food
Fave Hangout
Fave Dance
Best Memories
Coolest Band

In Your
Own Words
500 words max

2008 Updates

Additional Grandchildren
Email Address Update
Any good books lately?
Moved Lately
Latest Thing
New Toys
Recent Vacations
Words of Wisdom
Life's Lessons if any

NOTE: Please click the submit button ONLY ONCE. We will get your submission. We promise. Do not be confused by the page that appears AFTER you send us your profile information. It is just a Confirmation Page. It is telling you that you have sent your info successfully. So there is no reason to go back and resend multiple times.

email a recent picture of yourself to
Formats: .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .tif
Size: No bigger than 640x480 pix.
* We reserve the right to resize any image to save disk space.
* Please save and keep the master image.
* We do not return the image once we get it.