Class of 1965
online Yearbook

Grade School


1st 2nd 3rd
4th 5th 6th

Jr. High

 High School


In Memoriam

Fortieth Reunion 2005

Special Thanks to Mr. Jon R. Williams for providing our 40th Reunion Portraits and allowing them to be on our website at no charge. These portraits have been reduced in size and color. To order these portraits at their regular size and full color please contact:

801- 476- 9155

Susan Ahrensback Larry Farr Pat Monson
Julie Anderson Rebby Fleming Dennis Moore
Neva Anderson MaryJo Garner Merlene Morgan
Tom Austad Donna Ann Gordon Larry Muench
Mr. Monte Baily Brent Greenwood Jeannette Peck
Ann Barker Wendy Griffin JoAnn Pengelly
Gene'e Barrows Janis Hansen Vicki Pettingill
Carol Bedel Kay Harbertson Jerry Preece
Carl Berube Rod Hastie Joe Profaizer
Carlene Berube Marcia Healy Bob Prothero
Sandra Bingham Mike Healy Kenny Robison
Kirk Black Ronna Hennessey Lawana Smith
Kathy Bleazard Phyllis Herem Verlin Smith
Sue Bommer Brent Hill Steve Songer
Jana Bond Ron Hogge Dixie Steed
Linda Bramwell Craig Jensen Barbara Stewart
Carol Brockmeier Ralph Jensen Mike Telford
Melanie Bunderson Russell Johnson Bill Thorsted
Dale Burnett Greg Jones Lori Tribe
Chris Casperson Steve Joseph Robert Udink
Janis Chase Sherry Kley Mary Lou Vance
Bruce Coker Margaret Kunz Byron Wade
Sharon Cox Linda Lewis Gene Wahlstrom
Mike Crompton Tom Liggett Kathy Ward
Connie Crook Roger MacBeath Sydney Willis
Susan Culter Jeri MacFarlane Vern Wills
Rachel DeBoer Jerry MacFarlane Jeanette Wimmer
Margaret Durham Pat Malan Mike Wimmer
Roger Ellis Johnny Martinez Judy Wroten
Richard Emmert Kathy MacAllister Steve Yorganson
Mr. Charles Engberg Kathee McBride Dan Ziegler
Julie Engberg Kay McNeely